Hands on is a woman-owned bodywork busines located in the center of Copenhagen.

Currently I work alone. My aproach is hollistic with an aim to provide a queer friendly, anti racist environment for health treatments e.g. physiotherapy and Be Activated.

Whether you suffer from aching, sore shoulders, a sports injury or chronic discomfort I will provide help.

For more info; please call me at 53 62 4964 or click through my webpages (danish).

For English description of my methods, please scroll to the bottom of this link.

English option is also available in the booking menu. Simply click on the flag in upper right corner.

Opening Hours


We take good care of your personal data

We have updated our privacy policy. in order to comply with the EU GDPR. We are in the proces of translating the privacy policy into english.

  • what data we collect about you,
  • what purposes we use it for,
  • your rights in relation to your personal data.

It is important to us that you know: We take good care of your data!


Be Activated

Jeg tilbyder fysioterapi i forløb ud fra filosofien om at hvis du tager hensyn til din krops behov, så tager den sig af dine.

1. behandling


75 min.



60 min.

Et typisk forløb tager 3-5 behandlinger. Hvor du lærer at stå stærkt i din egen kerne og at få øje på hvornår du kompenserer for at præstere.

træning/brush up


30 min.

Du kender din forsvarsstrategi og har brug for at omsætte teknikkerne i praksis f.eks i træningssituationer.